EBTRON products have been successfully deployed in various vertical markets worldwide, ranging from K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and industrial laboratories to data centers, malls, hospitals, healthcare facilities, museums, hotels, concert halls, and many more.


EBTRON airflow measurement and control devices aid K-12 schools in achieving and validating the assurance of a comfortable and healthy environment to assist in the quality of education for the students.


Universities have a range of spaces with varying temperatures, humidity, and ventilation requirements. Accurately monitoring airflow helps regulate ventilation and reduce energy costs while ensuring proper pressurization.


For laboratories, small to large, precise airflow control is crucial. EBTRON’s thermal dispersion technology offers highly accurate and repeatable airflow, temperature, and humidity measurements without yearly calibration and nearly zero drift.


Maintaining appropriate ventilation levels and building pressurization is vital in medical facilities to prevent the spread of airborne diseases. EBTRON airflow stations are a crucial component.



Office buildings are vital to any business and the people working there. EBTRON offers essential airflow measurement devices for maintaining optimal energy-efficient ventilation and pressurization, ensuring a healthy and comfortable building environment.


Ideal airflow, temperature, and humidity levels in data centers are critical to ensure equipment reliability and maximize energy efficiency. EBTRON provides reliable solutions for data centers globally, guaranteeing smooth and dependable operations.


HVAC systems must be designed to cater to the maximum but should be able to adjust to a smaller population. EBTRON offers various airflow measurement strategies that can help optimize the control of high-volume spaces while providing efficient indoor air quality.


Process manufacturing aims to save energy and adhere to building regulations. EBTRON provides efficient solutions for controlling airflow, temperature, and humidity to maintain optimal energy-efficient ventilation and pressurization, comply with standards, and ensure comfort.

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