Education is most effective in the classroom. COVID-19 has disrupted our learning process. Today’s ventilation strategies, such as CO2-DCV, are designed to save energy but do not always provide adequate dilution ventilation.

It is time to get children and teachers SAFELY back to school!

Title: The Importance of Controlled Ventilation in Schools


Abstract: Outdoor Air Ventilation in schools promotes health and wellbeing. Each individual requires a set amount of ventilation. The means to achieve ventilation is typically through mechanical HVAC systems. The minimum amount of ventilation required for schools is determined by state, provincial, and municipal codes. Many studies have determined that increased ventilation beyond the minimum may promote better health and improved performance. However, there is a cost to ventilation as it requires that the air be conditioned and filtered for the indoor environment. Therefore, efforts are made to reduce ventilation when the population in the building is reduced and when the building is unoccupied. Furthermore, the ventilation rate is impacted by the environment internal and external to the building, and by degradation and changes in the operation of the HVAC systems. The result is, the amount of actual ventilation is always subjected to dynamic changes and thereby a method to measure and control the ventilation should be integrated into every system to provide the desired correct and efficient ventilation rate.

File: The Importance of Controlled Ventilation in Schools

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